Sunday, August 29, 2010

Lentil Soup

Lentil soup unlike bean soups is easier to digest and has good amount of protein. The recipe below makes a whole lot of soup. So you can cook one day and eat for 2 to 3 days. Great one pot meal, which is good for bachelors and working families. It does not compromise on nutrition and flavour...

Prep Time: approx 20 minutes (includes cleaning)
Cook Time: 1/2 to 2 hours
Serving: approx 8 to 10.


1. Lentils - 2 cups dry or 2 16oz cans.
2. Onion - 2 medium or 3 small.
3. Celery - 2 to 3 stalks
4. Garlic - 3 to 5 pods, depending on your taste. grated or finely chopped or crushed.
5. Tomatoes - 2 to 3 or 1/2 of 6 oz can of tomato paste
6. Cumin powder - 2 to 3 tsp
7. Fennel powder - 1 tsp
8. Parsley dry - 2 tsp
9. Oregano dry - 2 tsp
10. Carrots - 1/2 cup coarsely chopped
11. Green beans - 1/2 cup coarsely chopped (you can use frozen)
12. Bell peppers any kind, preferably green and red - 1/2 cup
13. Plain yogurt - 3 to 4 tsp
14. Chilli/cayenne/paprika powder - to taste
15. Ground black pepper - to taste
16. Salt - to taste
17. Oil - 2 tsp
18. Water - sufficient to cook the soup, please eye ball and add more if needed.


1. Heat oil in a big pot. Use a thick bottomed pot and cook in medium heat.
2. Add all the dry herbs and saute for a few seconds.
3. Add garlic and saute for a few seconds.
4. Add onions and a little salt and saute for a few minutes, close the lid and let it get transparent.
5. Add celery, carrots, beans, and bell peppers one after the other. saute each of them for about 2 minutes.
6. Add cumin, fennel, chilli, and pepper powders and saute for 2 minutes.
7. Add tomatoes and let all of it sweat. it will take up to 4 minutes. if you are using paste, add some water and leave it for about 3 minutes.
8. Soak the lentils for atleast 1 hour or more. If using canned, you can omit soaking. if you had no time to soak, just rinse it and put it in the pot, saute it and add enough water for everything to cook.
9. Add enough salt and cook for about 1 and a half hour if unsoaked, 1 hour if soaked and 1/2 for canned lentils. If using canned, do not add any more salt until you taste it at the end.
10. Add yogurt and cook for a minute. Soup is ready to eat. You may add more yogurt if you like into individual bowls.


If in hurry you can use high heat, however, make sure you stand near the stove. Simmer for 5 minutes before you turn the stove off for a little extra taste.


1. You can add red lentils aswell. 
2. You can add 1/2 cup worth quinoa or barley to it. If using barely, make sure you soaked it atleast 4 hours prior to it's use.
3. Green leafy veggies and other veggies in the vegetable bean soup also go with this soup. However, the above given combination gives the best taste.

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